Friday, April 29, 2011


I styled a shoot. John Second shot the photo-geez. Lux Paton modelled for us

Please come to this? OK Thanks

Click HERE to go to the Facebook event


Friday, April 15, 2011

factory girl

This past week (especially Wednesday) has been the most bizarre experience of my life. I woke up on Wednesday morning to find my poor little Clémence's window (Clémence is my car) smashed out and my suitcase - containing most of my favourite pieces of clothing - gone. What is a girl to do but get some junkfood and visit some friends to cool down? Later in the eve i went back home to find that my flatmate has moved out. Stranger things haven't happened! Jane came over to comfort me because she's the bestest, and we had a nice chat about things that girls chat about, ya know.

Anyhoo, I guess I need some new clothes now, right? I'll take the Factory Girl wardrobe, merci beaucoup!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

jeremy scott fall 2011 rtw

i know i'm really behind on all this fashion business but i haven't had a chance to look at the shows and only getting to it now

omg prada yum

prada fall 2011 rtw

acne fall 2011 rtw

get on my bodeh

Friday, April 1, 2011


You might know that I really like (slash have a borderline obsession with) Leonardo DiCaprio.

So, I bought this Leo t-shirt from Cuss Lookbook and will probably be picking it up in Cape Town this weekend. Thanks Jamal!